Sunday, September 1, 2013

Injured - Achilles Tendonitis

Following a few great weeks of running post vacation, I am sitting out with a bum achilles. Last week I ran a couple of days, longest was about 8 miles, but in pain for much of it. I have been cycling at the gym two days a week, but Friday decided to visit a physio and get this thing checked out. Nothing was working, not foam rolling, self massage, stretching or any other witchcraft.

 The Physiotherapist confirmed achilles tendonitis on my right achilles with some fairly substantial medial swelling. Cause was a very tight and knotty calf muscle. She treated me with a combination of sonar, ultrasound, laser and acupuncture. The acupuncture involved some rapid insertion on my calf to work out the knot (effectively popping the balloon so to speak) then leaving the needles in place all over my calf and foot. Worked very well, and the twinge was mostly gone.

 The plan now is for heat, stretching and ice three times a day. It is day three and I am noticing improvement. Basically no running in the short term, though I will try to keep my fitness up with cycling on the stationary. I will likely take another physio treatment next week to continue the healing process. I am hopeful I can return to moderate running in 1-2 weeks so that I can continue to build my endurance base.

 Emotionally I am itching to get out there. Prior to the injury was running 70-80 miles a week, pacing was great and I was feeling strong most days. The base was coming along for next spring's ultra season (my first) and I was hopeful for a fall tune-up at a 10 mile + distance. In all likelihood I will have to forego this and focus instead on continuing to build my base as well as get some experience doing more trail running.

 I will share more here as we go through it. I plan on at least weekly or greater updates including diet, my background, some learnings, and just sharing my renewed love of the sport and push to ultra distance events.

Off to do my daily physio.

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